No provision has been provided to allow you or your doctor to opt-out if this massive big brother snooping system.
Lets all get our health care cards stamped with the mark of the beast since we will get no health care unless we comply and provide all our private data to the CDC for inspection.
Why is this bad.
1) The Constitution does not allow regulation of health care records.
They can only regulate medicare and medicare records not private records.
2) No Opt Out provision is included.
3) Records are stored in government computers not the doctors office.
Making privacy and downtime a problem that could get you killed.
4) The government will monitor doctors to see if all patients are given the care the CDC thinks they should get.
5) If doctors don't want to transfer records they and you own to the federal government snooping system they will be punished.
6) If you don't want your records inspected by the CDC you will not be allowed to have any health care.
This bill needs to be modified to comply with current privacy rights.
1) Records should be stored in the local hospital or clinic and can only be copied to other servers with the patients signature on a permission card.
2) Penalties should be provided if records are transferred without this written permission.
3) No records should be transferred to the CDC without permission of the patient and doctor.
4) Patients should be allowed to opt-out of all electronic records at any time they wish and have all records transferred to paper and have the electronic version erased.
See Glenn Beck for more on this story.
The Obama stimulus bill is frightening because as it gets rushed to passage, more and more items buried deep within are being discovered. Items like the National Coordinator of Health Information Technology. They're going to monitor the treatments and make sure your doctor is doing what the federal government deems appropriate and cost-effective.
This was added into the bill on the last day and Obama says the time to talk about this has passed. I say it has only started.
Big Brother Health Care Provisions Slipped Into Economic Stimulus Bill
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