Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Obama town hall Crash and burns as Obama supportors ask for more welfare not his Stimulus Bill

Obama's great town hall meetings in Feb backfired crashing and burning as Obama supporters asked when the welfare checks were coming. They don't want the spending bill he is proposing they want welfare.

Example 1

Supporter asks for the money not to be spent as Obama wants he wants a check in his mail box. He also doesn't want to wait in lines to sign up for welfare he just wants a check now.

Obama's response was to start thumping on his mike pretending that it did not work and run around the stage like the 3 stooges trying all the micks and yelling can you hear me. Well everyone could hear him it was a lame stalling tactic. When he finaly did speak he did not answer the question.

Then at the 2nd town hall
Obama supporter asked. Why he did not qualify for all the great welfare programs while he was on unemployment. He wants extra welfare sent to him when he signs up for unemployment.

Obama's answer was that he would give a extra $25 a week in unemployment but that no one really wanted to be on unemployment. Then he went into smart grids solar cells wind mills and medical records and did not answer the question.

3rd Obama supporter then asks why she has to live in her car she says she doesn't want Obama's parks in his bill she wants a home to live in with a kitchen.

Obama's answer was that his staff would talk to her. No other answer was given.

So whats he going to do put her in front of others on the HUD waiting list?

Obama supporters don't want any of the items in the stimulus bill. In fact the #1 thing they have requested on his website is to legalise crack cocaine.

Basically the town hall blew up in Obama's face as supports rebuffed his bill and requested huge welfare payments to all.

Henrietta Hughes was offered a home by Chene Thompson, wife of State Representative Nick Thompson, who heard the homeless woman’s pleas for help to President Obama before a local and national crowd.

News link here

Problem here is that what about all the other Obama supporters that want free houses and welfare checks. Will Rich Obama big wigs give them all a home to keep them under control?

America does not want this bill including Obama supporters.

Obama electronic medical records is a Giant Big Brother snooping program that stamps you with the mark of the beast.

The new Obama electronic medical records provision will store all your private records in a government computer and allow the CDC to view your records.

No provision has been provided to allow you or your doctor to opt-out if this massive big brother snooping system.

Lets all get our health care cards stamped with the mark of the beast since we will get no health care unless we comply and provide all our private data to the CDC for inspection.

Why is this bad.

1) The Constitution does not allow regulation of health care records.
They can only regulate medicare and medicare records not private records.

2) No Opt Out provision is included.

3) Records are stored in government computers not the doctors office.
Making privacy and downtime a problem that could get you killed.

4) The government will monitor doctors to see if all patients are given the care the CDC thinks they should get.

5) If doctors don't want to transfer records they and you own to the federal government snooping system they will be punished.

6) If you don't want your records inspected by the CDC you will not be allowed to have any health care.

This bill needs to be modified to comply with current privacy rights.

1) Records should be stored in the local hospital or clinic and can only be copied to other servers with the patients signature on a permission card.

2) Penalties should be provided if records are transferred without this written permission.

3) No records should be transferred to the CDC without permission of the patient and doctor.

4) Patients should be allowed to opt-out of all electronic records at any time they wish and have all records transferred to paper and have the electronic version erased.

See Glenn Beck for more on this story.
The Obama stimulus bill is frightening because as it gets rushed to passage, more and more items buried deep within are being discovered. Items like the National Coordinator of Health Information Technology. They're going to monitor the treatments and make sure your doctor is doing what the federal government deems appropriate and cost-effective.

This was added into the bill on the last day and Obama says the time to talk about this has passed. I say it has only started.

Big Brother Health Care Provisions Slipped Into Economic Stimulus Bill